May Activity

Trains were running over the weekend of 26th and 27th May with plenty of visitors. Many were visiting for the first time having learned of our existence from this website. I am always surprised, amazed even, when visitors are from nearby villages and had been unaware of the railway’s presence. The weather held fair with…

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Early May Running

Trains were running over the weekend of 5th and 6th May with warm, yes warm, sunny weather. Visitor numbers were amomg the best for a long time with a healthy influx of first timers.  On the main line there were always four trains in action with, for a short while, five.  Not to be forgotten…

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Next Running Day

The next public running day will be on Sunday 28th April when it is hoped that Spring will truly have arrived. We apologise to any visitors to the tracks at Easter when we were forced to cancel operations. The weather had made it impossible to be sure that the tracks were safe and the signals…

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Visitor Locomotive Rally

Bedford MES Visitor Rally 2013 BMES invite visiting locomotives to join them for their visitor’s rally, to be held on Friday 30th August – Sunday 1st September Track Gauges 2½, 3½ and 5 inch raised track, 5 and 7¼ inch ground level. For booking information Please contact: BMES 2013 Rally 15, Chaucer Road Bletchley Milton…

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Society AGM

51 members braved a bitterly cold evening for the AGM on Monday 11th March.  The outcome was that the new committee comprises Alan Gildersleve as Chairman, Andy Warren as Vice-Chairman with David Boyde and Alan Beard continuing as Treasurer and Secretary respectively.  The remaining committee members, elected after a ballot, are  Peter Chapman, Martin Cusden,…

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