David Boyde
1940 – 2016
By Dick Billington
During his working life David was heavily involved in the Oil Industry and amongst his many pursuits he obtained his Private Pilot’s and Instructor’s Licence; he also had a deep love of steam locomotives. This unrequited love for steam meant that shortly after he retired David joined us to play trains. He and Anne passed this love on to their children and Grand Children.
David was a great organiser and joined our Committee, where he became Treasurer. He was heavily involved in the Club becoming a Company Limited by Guarantee, the new fifteen year lease and the development of our entire present infrastructure including the new Clubhouse. In preparation for the new Clubhouse David took personal control of the funding negotiations with the Green Sand Ridge Organisation, a task which was tortuous in the extreme.
During his time with us David owned a number of 7 ¼” locos which, whenever possible, he drove for passenger hauling tasks. He also developed the Haynes End signalling system, a task that apparently required David to spend many hours on his knees at the track praying to things called ‘treadles’. Once he had stopped driving David spent many hours running the signal box and the Haynes End platforms.
David’s health started to fail and he retired from the treasurer’s role in 2014. He came to the railway whenever he was able but passed away towards the end of 2016.
David’s last ride on steam was when his ashes were scattered at his beloved club track from the back of a steam locomotive with his family in attendance. His grandson, Jack, from Australia was present and after the scattering drove the loco for the rest of the day.
David will be missed.