B.M.E.S. and The Summerfields’ Railways Featured in a New Book

Miniatire Railway Book

By Brian Walton

Our society and the railways that we operate have been dedicated a chapter (#3) in a new book from local author  Murray Eckett.

The following description is taken from publicity material and is also found on the rear cover of the volume:

Apart from the collective mixture of main railway lines that have made their mark on the counties around Greater London, there have also been many routes built in the same area to less than the standard British railway gauge. These have included networks of tracks constructed to serve industry, such as those that were to be found at Stewartby Brickworks, in Bedfordshire, and the military establishment, an example of which was the narrow gauge network laid inside the Royal Gunpowder Mills at Waltham Abbey. More recently, there have been many railways that were built for tourist

and heritage purposes, constructed by dedicated members of numerous model and miniature engineering societies. Within the covers of this book, descriptions of a comprehensive cross-section of such lines can be found. Gauges covered range from ‘O’ and ‘G’ scale, via a miscellany of miniature railway gauges, through to those which fall into the narrow gauge category. Some chapters covering parts of the ‘big railway’ can also be found. To round things off, a treasure-trove of photographs, old and new, illustrate the railways found documented as part of this book.

Members who have had sight of this publication report it to be extremely interesting, and a very good write up of our railway activities.

This softback book runs to some 240 pages in A5 format and copies are available from the publishers, Jacett Publications  (http://www.jacettpublishing.co.uk.) or for further information please email info@jacettpublishing.co.uk

Book about Miniature Railways

Note: Any BMES members interested in purchasing a copy should send a message with their name and e-mail address via the CONTACT page of our own website. If numbers are sufficient we will be able to place a bulk order.