Summerfield Miniature Railway 2016 season begins

Report by Tony Bullock Easter Sunday saw the opening of the railway for the 2016 season. The day dawned fairly bright but breezy and several families arrived promptly for the first train in spite of losing an hour’s sleep as the clocks went forward. With four locos in steam and two non-steam available all boded…
Derek Preedy obituary

Derek, who died on 27th, February, was an active member of BMES. He joined after he semi-retired from the family firm, Preedy Glass of London, where he had worked from the age of fifteen. With a lifelong love of steam railways he was able to indulge this passion in miniature with the club. Whatever the…
Bring And Buy Club Night

Report by Richard Shepherd Monday evening (8th, February) was a Bring & Buy and Engineering quiz at the clubhouse and what a great evening it was. There were five tables of ‘Stuff’ for sale and not one item of tat in sight but several bargains were there to be had. How about a stationary steam engine…
Bedford MES Supports Local Macmillan Group

Norma White (on the right, above) of Haynes formed the Haynes & District Macmillan fundraising group 2 ½ years ago. Since then they have grown to seven active members and have established themselves in surrounding villages, attending several events to which they have been invited back each year. Bedford Model Engineering Society supported the team’s efforts last year, when they had a stall at…
Christmas Quiz Leaves Contestants In The Dark

Nobody had an answer for the problem seen above. Members of the Bedford Model Engineering Society gathered in our clubhouse for the final social event of 2015 on the 14th December. The event was our Annual Christmas Quiz which was, once again, prepared and presented by Quizmaster Richard Shepherd. Six teams were organised and the…
Santa Specials 2015

December 5th. dawned with a grey very windy day and some anxious phone calls were received asking if Santa would be at the Summerfield Miniature Railway. However, by 10 am Santa had arrived at his Grotto and was awaiting his first visitors. Accordingly the first train departed with a blast on the whistle and in…
Santa Specials 2014

On the weekend of 6th. and 7th. December families started to gather at Haynes to ride Summerfields Miniature Railway to Santa’s Grotto. Santa was reported to be in residence from 10am and steam was being raised at Haynes End in readiness for the first train departure. With a blast on the whistle the first families…
A Good Start

The public running season is now well into its stride with 8 running days already completed. The good news is that for most of them the weather worked in our favour and there was plenty of activity, enough indeed to put a smile on our Treasurer’s face. The May holiday weekend was however a little…
A New Season

Sunday 6th April saw the start of the 2014 public running season. The weather forecast was far from favourable but there was an excellent turn out of members. The Club’s steam locomotive, Loch Treig, was not available needing a number of minor repairs to its boiler fittings. However, Lewis, the large diesel was ready for…
Welcome To 2014

A series of problems affecting yours truly have left this page woefully out of date. However with the New Year upon us things should be better. This is the time in the calendar when members go into hibernation but with a video of the North British Loco Works on offer at the 13th January meeting…